One of our goals is to help people be the best version of themselves within their environment, in this case, their jobs. We know that this is not possible without an understanding of how we think and feel and without understanding our own mental health. Through our work as social workers, we have seen the benefit that a little bit of education and guided self discovery can make for people. We found that people are reluctant to go there at work, feeling like they can't talk about bad days or be vulnerable. We understand this and wanted to create a safe way for people to do the work. That is who we are at real@work, a couple of social workers trying to bring what we know to as many people as we can so that we can all be better and do better.
We are a small team of talented professionals with a wide range of skills and experience.
We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We also work with a wide network of local providers. We look forward to working with you.
Angie Shirey
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in New Bethlehem, PA. For the past few years I have been developing coaching solutions for businesses that focuses on promoting relational skills and mental health management. After serving in the United States Army, I graduated from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania with a BA in English and from the University of Pittsburgh with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. I have worked in mental health in a variety of positions, both clinical and administrative along with a business owner.
Email me: ashirey@sperogroupllc.com
Christy Stuber
I am a Personal and Professional Development Coach in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who utilizes the principles of neuroscience to help my clients stress less and live their life with more clarity. Prior to coaching, I worked in the nonprofit sector as an Executive Director, a family therapist and a philanthropic advisor. I also hold a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh.
Email me: christy@christystubercoaching.com