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Image by Brooke Cagle

Self-Awareness Course

Did you know that  51% of adults perceive that COVID-19 negatively affected their mental health? 1

Or that 84% of American adults report emotions associated with prolonged stress. 2


Or that employees experiencing mental distress use, on average, nearly $3,000 more in health care services per year than their peers. The cost of days lost averages $4,783 per year per employee, and the costs of turnover average $5,733 per year per employee. 3


But it doesn’t have to be this way.

These numbers are connected to a 2021 Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey that reported an overwhelming majority of CEOs agreed that employee mental health and well-being will continue to be a priority even after the pandemic is resolved (McBride and Finzi, 2021). 


Employers are often unsure or nervous about addressing mental health issues in the workplace.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, employers can’t afford to not address it at this point in history.  It can be an overwhelming task and many people don’t know where to start.  


Employee Assistance Programs are helpful- same for awareness campaigns and one-off training on stress management, depression and anxiety. But they aren’t enough.  Individual skill development is where it’s at—starting with self-awareness.


You might know there is a better way, but are unsure how. That is why I created the free Self-Awareness Email Course:


In this course you will:

  • Discover just what self-awareness is and the connections between it, personal growth, mental wellness and relational health.

  • Understand how brain function impacts our reactions to people and events.

  • Start to take action to calm your mind, change the narrative and practice self-compassion.


My name is Angie Shirey and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Real@work was developed out of my own experiences in the workplace as well as the experiences of the clients I see in my practice, Spero Group. I wanted to create a program that developed the skills in individuals so that they can be mentally well and bring their best selves to work.  


Sign up for this course, by the end of it you will start to feel less powerless over your circumstances and more powerful over your own wellbeing.  

Fill out the form below to get started



1. (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2020).

2. (American Psychological Association, 2021)

3. New Mental Health Cost Calculator Shows Why Investing in Mental Health is Good for Business



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New Bethlehem, PA 16242




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